Friday 19 November 2010



Picture 1: i like the concept of this poster and i think we could do something very similar. Maybe having me on the back of a ride with a guitar on my back would be a good poster/cd cover. I would then like to possibly change the colouring of the photo by using photoshop. For example picture 3 has been changed by using photoshop.

Picture 2: This is another poster that interested me. I think that the cartoon drawing is a different approach that may be used by us. This would mean getting someone from the art department of our school to draw us something like this. I also like the idea of not capturing the band as a whole and maybe just using one or two members.

Picture 3: I like this photo as it captures the hole band and uses photoshop to change the colours of the original photo. this is definitely something we should think about using as it makes the poster stand out more than an ordinary photo.

Picture 4: This is a very interesting concept. I think this would be a concept to consider. I like the way they have just used the outline of something and then filled it in with the union jack. I think that i could combine the pose of picture one and then use the union jack inside of the outline.

Picture 5: I like the idea of taking a photo of the band in surroundings outside. I think the clothes in this picture give a good representation to a rock and roll band.

Picture 6: I think that this picture is a great picture as it is in black and

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