Friday 6 May 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When making my CD booklet i tried to create an outdoor style to the leaflet. I made sure that all of the photos ere taken outdoors and in locations that i thought were interesting or naturalistic. I like the idea of creating the same kind of feel as the one in the video and so this is why I have done this. I also liked the comments written in the CD booklet of Heathen Chemistry by Oasis and so i tried to re-create the same kind of feel by writing a comment from each band member.

I think that i could have added more images of the band performing from different gigs, however this wouldn't have really fitted in with the naturalistic style of the booklet. We could have used more photos of the band together outside which would have looked better than all of them being photos of us on our own. I think i could have also changed the colour of the photos to make it look much older like i did with the video. The leaflet I think needed much more information about the band and possibly more thank you sections. I think the leaflet lacked what the first two pictures had which was photoshop editing. The idea of me and Alex playing the guitar on the same wall and then mirroring one another was a good idea.

I think that my photoshop skills have improved greatly but i could improve much more as i was often needing direction on how to do certain things. I also think i have improved in my planning towards my ancillary task and i think this shows when looking at the way i've linked

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